Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Do you know a tool?

I have decided to come up with a list of signs that you or someone you know is a tool. It can sometimes be a disease, and if you do know someone like this-please help them:

They wear tank tops:

Now there are exceptions as to when this attire is acceptable: gym and beach. Please don't rock them as a fashion accessory. I understand you want to show off your bulging muscles but, the cons outweigh the pros.

They carry jugs of water as if it is a water bottle:
I understand you wanted to stay hydrated before and after your 3 hour gym sesh's, but really across campus? You look like a fool.

3 in diameter faced watches:
I am not dissing a male who wears a watch, quite frankly I think it's hot. But if it is big enough for me to read the time from across the room, its time to downsize. We all know the purpose of your ownership is to show how much money you have....we aren't dumb.

Wearing these:
Now I don't have a problem if you wear these, but when you wear them with mid length socks and basketball shorts/sweats.....really? It screams "yeah I'm too cool for real shoes"
You're not.

Sunglasses inside:

It does not make you cool. Just because you have a deep down desire to be Mike "the Situation" please don't profess it to the world. Are you too cool to make eye contact with everyone else in the room?

These are just a few physical signs. These are usually the first to be noticed. So if you or someone you know do several of these toolish qualities, I beg you change or help someone else change, for the betterment of society!

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Yesterday I worked the football game selling concessions. It was my second game working. The first game was a little hectic, my stand leader was really unsure of what was going on and two of us were new. As you can imagine some things went not so smoothly. Fast forward to Friday- I am working the same stand and I noticed a different stand leader and a different second from last week. As soon as I get there the other girl leans over and says, " I am so glad you showed up, I am going to kill him" I soon felt the same way. I had worked the same stand last week so I kind of knew what worked best, he tried doing things the other way until he realized I was right- of which he told me I was right at least 4 times. Faces were made several times behind his back *ahem brittany,* his hovering really pushed my nerves, and many other things. I soon felt bad for the judgments I made of poor J man, because I realized he is the only boy with 4 girls, and we all know that girls are ALWAYS right. I ended up having to stay and count inventory, in which I had to count the popcorn boxes TWICE, he made me lose count -_-. At the end of it all, I felt bad for being so mean behind his back- I mean he has a sweet spirit! Oh and we won the game! and a friend from my ward was the security guard near my area so I got to chat with him every once in awhile!! I wonder what next Friday will bring us!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Not creative title post

Ok um school is crazy, which is why I have been so lazy!! Well I am an FHE mom, so I am super excited about that. My co-chair on the other hand, is uh not so enthusiastic. Hopefully I can change that about him. Kylee and Alex got married on Saturday and it was sooo much fun!! I was so sore in the morning, and today. I am a superior swimmer according to my swim class timed evaluation. Hmm not much else too exciting. I love running into people on campus, it makes me feel rather popular, and now that I don't look like a fat chipmunk I am not so embarrassed to say hey whats up? OH this boy in my FHE group has an amazing voice. He just sang Michael Buble, Josh Groban, and a ton of other songs in my living room for us. Fabulous.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Missionary Lovin'

I was blessed to have a great experience my freshmen year. I made a lot of good friends that I know will be some of my closest friends for a long time. However, there is one thing I don't like about BYU, and that is freshmen year you make all these awesome friends with the girls and boys in your ward, and then BAM they all go on missions for two years so you have to start all over and make new guy friends, (and when you look like a fat chi
pmunk that is kind of hard to do).

So since most of my friends are coming home VERY soon (:) :) :) :) :) ) I decided to dedicate a post to some of the finest gentlemen I know.

Words do not describe how much I love this kid. He is soo gullible, and willing to do anything crazy. He refuses to say "hot shame" and only s
ays "crying shame" usually his arms flailing in the air. He returns home from North Carolina this January!


Always the prankster. Little cups of water lined the stairs one morning, string tied/taped to all the walls and doors across the lobbies, balloons covered the lobby floors. Of course it was all in good fun- but had I been late to class I would not have been very happy! He returns from Bulgaria in March!


He was our FHE dad. He always had fun activities for us, and would always participate in our fun games our whatever was going down. He is such an
amazing person! He returns home from Milwaukee Wisconsin in May!


California > Maryland, was usually how our conversations got started. He is a suave rapper. Anytime anyone was around him you could not help but smile, he just emanated positive energy! He gave me a blessing once when I got out of the hospital, I don't know how I will ever repay him for that. He also returns home in May from Salt Lake City South!


please ignore my old woman double chin neck-ew

Where to begin... me and this boy have had our fair share of adventures. Laughter is probably the best word to describe our friendship. We had breakfast dates, skype dates, wonderful chats, I mean we were like the best of friends, everyone should envy our friendship. He was my boo, I was his. I can't wait to reunite with him. He returns from Nicaragua in May!


Probably my favorite FHE brother. We had chemistry together, which is probably why our grades weren't as great as they should have been. We really were like brother and sister from laughter to making fun of each other. He acts like a five year old sometimes, which is probably why I love him soo much! He returns home from Canada in June!


Amazing times. Dancing was what we did, from dance parties in his kitchen to going to 80s dancing in Salt Lake, dancing all night long. You could not help but smile while being in his presence, because he was always smiling. I am most definitely sure the people of France love him. My first letter from him contained glitter- I mean how would not love him? He returns home in June from Paris France.

Harry Potter Dance. Malfoy and Pansy. Us. Best Dance Ever. Ben's roommate and serving in the same mission. Smiles and dancing are the words that come to mind when I think of him. He is soo witty and always wore bow ties. Love. Him. He returns from Paris France in June also.


Other best friend. One of my first memories of him is this dance party we went to and I started jerking and that's when I think he gained real respect for me- white girls can dance. I usually drove him places, told him to find me a hott rugby boy (he has failed thus far), and soo many inside jokes. I email him like every week, one of the only boys to continue writing. He r
eturns in August from the Philippines, (hopefully he won't fail in finding me a hott rugby boy this time around).


Love this boy. You could never resist a smile around him. Biggest heart, sweetest boy. Little prankster. Always participating in everything and anything.
One night we may or may not have driven around in my car windows down, music blaring, and sin
ging and yelling at passersby. He returns from Br
azil in August.


Boy oh boy. I took him snowboarding, an asian boy from New Zealand might I remind you, and he skied in jeans, in snow. That right there is the definition of him. He was hilarious, but not on purpose. He texted me during the summer and said hey do you have room on your couch? Uh sure? K I'm coming to Cali. Spent a whole week doing awesome things in California. He returns in August from Washington D.C.

Best home teacher ever. Sings like Michael Buble. Also from California. Needless to say an amazing person. Returns from Romania next September.


Swim buddy. Roommates with Ben and Sean, therefore are adventures were never less than amazing. Ex. Harry Potter Dance!!!! Clearly best group there. He returns from Peru next November.

Clearly I have met some amazing people. I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to meet and develop friendships with all of these boys. These aren't all the amazing missionaries I know or all the stories and memories I have, but had I put all of them you would be reading a novel. If you ever see them, stop and say hello- they will change your life in a way that words can not describe.